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Lesson types

The perfect lesson for each student

Private Lesson
Semi-Private Lesson
Group Lesson

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Curriculum is created according to student level and request
I have catered for various students' needs including;

  • I want to speak Japanese fluently

  • to study in Japan or to move to Japan

  • for business purposes

  • for the language test (GCSE/A Level/Japanese Proficiency)

  • to watch Japanese movies and without subtitles

  • to improve pronounciation

  • to raise my children bilingual

  • to have lessons with a family member

  • to read Japanese comic books in Japanese, etc.


Private Lessons are one to one lesson. This means one learner in the lesson. The lesson will be perfectly catered for the learner's level and needs.

Semi-Private lessons are for those learners wanting to take a lesson with a partner. This partner can be a family member, friend or a colleague.

Group lessons are for an absolute beginner learner wanting to earn with others with a reguar lesson schedule. It is also the lowest tuition choice!

Online Class

Curriculum is created according to student level and request
I have catered for various students' needs including;

  • I want to speak Japanese fluently

  • to study in Japan or to move to Japan

  • for business purposes

  • for the language test (GCSE/A Level/Japanese Proficiency)

  • to watch Japanese movies and without subtitles

  • to improve pronounciation

  • to raise my children bilingual

  • to have lessons with a family member

  • to read Japanese comic books in Japanese, etc.


Private Lessons are one to one lesson. This means one learner in the lesson. The lesson will be perfectly catered for the learner's level and needs.

Semi-Private lessons are for those learners wanting to take a lesson with a partner. This partner can be a family member, friend or a colleague.

Group lessons are for an absolute beginner learner wanting to earn with others with a reguar lesson schedule. It is also the lowest tiotion choice!

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